analisi dei gas e delle emissioni nel settore navale

calibrazione termometri | calibrare termometro digitale | calibrazione termocoppie | taratura sonde Calibration


Over the years, our laboratory has expanded to include a variety of services, including calibration of measuring devices for temperature, pressure and electrical parameters.

Each service we perform is accompanied by a Calibration Report, issued on the basis of reference samples certified by primary institutions.

Copy of the Primary Certificates are available to our Customers for their reference anytime, upon request.


We also provide our customers with temporary storage of their instruments. Once the order is finalized, the instruments are prepared, calibrated, certified and shipped within 24/36 hours.

Feel free to contact us for further information.

Temperature calibration:


Thermoresistance probes

Dry block temperature calibrators

Analog thermometers

UTI probes

Pressure calibration:

Pressure transducers


Hand pumps for pressure calibration

Electrical quantities:



High voltage detectors

Clamp ammeters

Power quality analyzers


 Icons by Icons8