Combined Fire & Gas Detection Systems
analisi dei gas e delle emissioni nel settore navale

Fire&Gas | Fire e Gas | protezioni antincendio e rivelazione gas | sistema ESD nave | rilevatori inc Combined Fire & Gas Detection Systems

Combined Fire & Gas Detection Systems

ANCB specializes in combined Fire&Gas monitoring systems, connected to Emergency Shut Down (ESD) systems, to be installed aboard FSO and FPSO units.

Signals coming from a range of sensors are collected by the monitoring system’s processing unit, then sent to an ESD system, which performs actions based on a cause-effect logic. The aim is to minimize the consequences of gas leakages and/or presence of fire in the offshore unit.

The engineering process begins with a study of the general arrangement, continues with one or more visits aboard the unit, and ends with the issuance of technical specification documents to be submitted to the Class Registry. The Operation Software is developed by our Technical Department.

Our technical staff is available to assist with the installation and perform the commissioning and start-up processes, including the final testing, supervised by the Class Register.